What I have attached above is only some of the photos and freelance work I have done in the past, I believe I will carry this on part-time or for fun. I mainly focus on scenery and people but I would want to expand my work to abstract images, which I could use for adverts and marketing campaigns in the future.
Work experience
Flowers by Samara

Flowers by Samra was my first work placement it was from 28/11/2018 to the 03/12/2018. I decided to contact my Aunt by calling her as I know she runs a small florist business from home, I wanted to gain experience and I wanted to put my degree skills into the real world. She decided that she needed new business cards and flyers, I worked on designing a flyer and decided to create two business cards fitting her description as she wanted to advertise her business. I believe listening to the client is an important factor to consider when working on a product.
Kaur Cosmetics

I did freelance work at Kaur Cosmetics where I worked from the 2/01/19 to the 7/01/19. Kaur Cosmetics is a new business that started running this year, it is an online makeup page where people can buy makeup online.
I did a photoshoot to promote and advertise their products on their Instagram page. I created the page and built up the following through networking with makeup artist and bigger accounts. You can click the Instagram icon on the right of the screenshot, to view their official Instagram page.
I then edited and filmed a short clip for their Instagram page of an MUA applying their product. This is so they could upload it to advertise and market their product.
And finally, I went on to programme their website, which is attached to their bio. This is where they sell their products.
My most recent and my biggest client, I have worked with in my third year was the NHS OT sector (Occupational therapist).
Where I created and designed a video with my partner to help children improve their dressing skills.
I used heavy animation, voice syncing technology and design to create the product. I am comfortable using software to create animations for a wide number of things that you might require.
I also wrote the script read out, scriptwriting is another skill I have learnt. I believe this is a transferable skill and can be adapted and used in different sectors.
Coursework- Marketing and advertising

#CreatingTheFuture was a group project, where we chose to promote our course Digital Media. I made the banner that would be put up on an open day, which would advertise our course to a large number of people. We also made the logo as a team with the slogan "CU, Where you become the creator of the future." I also ran all the social media pages, where I ran up a following by networking and advertising the course by sharing pictures and videos of work produced by students.
PocketPrints product marketing

PocketPrints was an individual marketing project, where I designed a polaroid picture printer. I used photoshop to create overlayers to change the design of each one, these are attached above. I also thought about where I could advertise these and what my target market would be. This module helped me think of key factors such as
Consumer research
Why and where I would advertise the product
Target market
Social media marketing
Deadlines and profit margins
Understanding the market

Before creating any product to advertise or any marketing campaign, I would think about the target market and conduct surveys to get to know the audience and who I will be targeting my products too. I have attached some examples above when creating user personas, I would focus on a number of things such as
If they would use the product
If they use anything similar
Could they access the product
What are they looking for
From this information find where I would advertise and promote the product
I believe this is a skill I could transfer within the marketing and advertising workplace.
Additional skills and small projects
I am comfortable creating small animations and gifs. I have attached two small celebration gifs I created for an app I am currently developing. I used Photoshop and Abode Character animate to create the animation.

Character design
I can use a number of programmes such as Blender, Sculptris, Photoshop, Abode Illustrate and etc. These characters have been used in things such as games created and educational videos.
User interface design
I have learnt a lot about user interface design, I can create designs for things such as apps, games and websites. From this, I can make a wireframe, which can display what your app or so on will look like. This is one example on the left.

Logo design
I have experience with logo design for things such as websites and social media.
The Telcam and MayaWealth logos I designed are currently being used on a professional website.

Flyer design
I am familiar with flyer and promotion design, I can use both images and drawings to create your vision.

Professional web development
I have created professional business websites for companies such as Telcam, Maya wealth and The dessert parlour, using JavaScript.
I designed the websites according to what the client wanted and included all the information they asked me too.
Feel free to have a look at each one, I have proved the link to the websites under each business.